Get Started with Wyn Enterprise in Minutes
With our 15-day online evaluation, start exploring, building, and creating using Wyn’s demo data. No download or installation required.

Please complete form to begin 15-day evaluation.
With our 15-day online evaluation, start exploring, building, and creating using Wyn’s demo data. No download or installation required.
Please complete form to begin 15-day evaluation.
Explore Wyn's embedded BI and advanced analytics capabilities with our three-step journey.
Step 1
Take a Wyn Tour
Take a Wyn Tour
Watch our Wyn Enterprise video demo and learn about user portals, the Dashboard Designer, and how to create a report in seconds.
Step 2
Try Wyn Out
Try Wyn Out
Get the 15-day Wyn Enterprise online evaluation and explore our dashboarding and reporting functionalities using Wyn’s demo data.
Step 3
Get the Full Version
Get the Full Version
Download a 30-day full-function trial version of Wyn on-premise and try it with your own data and security. Embed into your apps as well.